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27 - 28 February

EDB Mega Blood Donation

The Economic Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Blood Donors Association, and other health institutions is organizing a Mega Blood Donation and a medical check-up from 27th to 29th February 2024, at EDB Head Office, Ebene.

The 3-days event forms part of the corporate social responsibility initiatives of the EDB to demonstrate its commitment to community welfare, public health and fostering a positive image of the EDB. It will consist of the following activities:

Mega Blood Donation

Please click on the link https://forms.edbmauritius.org/cn/al935/BDonation for registration as blood donor.

Medical Check-up

Rapid medical check-up/ vision test / breast exams / Pap Smear exams

Public Awareness Campaign

Talk on HIV/Aids & Cancer Awareness

Plants Distribution by the Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security

We look forward for your participation for the Mega Blood Donation 2024.
