Visit of business delegation of CII Members to Mauritius
13 Fév 2025
Maurice accueille les investissements et encourage les affaires. Reconnue mondialement comme un environnement sûr, stable et propice aux activités commerciales, Maurice est un excellent endroit pour investir, travailler, vivre et prendre sa retraite, avec des infrastructures tournées vers l'avenir, une connectivité mondiale et des talents de classe internationale.
Investissez dans un projet d'au moins 500 millions de roupies et bénéficiez d'incitations, de remises, d'exonérations et de taux préférentiels.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
Le programme de résidence de Maurice permet aux ressortissants étrangers d'effectuer un investissement immobilier dans le pays et de demander un permis de résidence pour vivre, travailler et prendre leur retraite à Maurice.
Vivez et travaillez à distance depuis Maurice et profitez d'un long séjour ou prenez votre retraite dans un paradis tropical idyllique.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
Mauritius is a beacon of political, social and economic stability. With its wide network of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) and Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPAs), Mauritius offers investors a conducive environment for doing business which guarantees predictability, certainty and security.
Mauritius International Investment Agreements are available at :
Partner Country | Date of Signature | Date of Entry into force |
Barbados | 28.09.2004 | 18.06.2005 |
Belgium/Luxemburg Economic Union | 30.11.2005 | 16.01.2010 |
Burundi | 18.05.2001 | 22.11.2009 |
China | 04.05.1996 | 08.06.1997 |
Côte d’Ivoire | 20.04.2016 | 11.10.2022 |
Czech Republic | 05.04.1999 | 06.05.2000 |
Egypt | 25.06.2014 | 17.10.2014 |
Finland | 12 09 2007 | 17 10.2008 |
France ** | 22.03.1973 | 01.03.1974 |
Germany | 25.05.1971 | 27.08.1973 |
Indonesia | 05.03.1997 | 28.03.2000 |
Kuwait | 18.04.2013 | 24.07.2014 |
Madagascar | 06.04.2004 | 29.12.2005 |
Mozambique | 14.02.1997 | 26.05.2003 |
Pakistan | 03.04.1997 | 03.04.1997 |
Portugal | 12.12.1997 | 03.01.1999 |
Republic of Cabo Verde | 13.04.2017 | 07.03.2018 |
Republic of Congo | 20.12.2010 | 15.12.2013 |
Republic of Korea | 18.06.2007 | 09.05.2008 |
Romania | 20.01.2000 | 20.12.2000 |
Sénégal | 14.03.2002 | 14.10.2009 |
Singapore | 04.03.2000 | 19.04.2000 |
South Africa | 17.02.1998 | 07.10.1998 |
Sweden | 23.02.2004 | 01.06.2005 |
Switzerland | 26.11.1998 | 21.04.2000 |
Tanzania | 04.05.2009 | 02.03.2013 |
Turkey | 07.02.2013 | 30.05.2016 |
United Arab Emirates | 20.09.2015 | 28.12.2017 |
U.K and Northern Ireland | 20.05.1986 | 13.10.1986 |
Zambia | 14.07.2015 | 06.05.2016 |
** A new IPPA has been negotiated with France and signed on 8 March 2010.
However, the new IPPA has not yet been ratified
Partner Country | Date of Signature | Date of Entry into force |
Benin | 18.05.2001 | * |
Cameroon | 03.08.2001 | * |
Comoros | 18.05.2001 | * |
Gabon | 18.07.2013 | * |
Ghana | 18.05.2001 | * |
Guinea Republic | 18.05.2001 | * |
Kenya | 10.04.2019 | * |
Mauritania | 18.05.2001 | * |
Nepal | 03.08.1999 | * |
Rwanda | 30.07.2001 | * |
Swaziland | 15.05.2000 | * |
Tchad | 18.05.2001 | * |
Zimbabwe | 17.05.2000 | * |
Sao Tome and Principe | 06.05.2016 | * |
Partner Country | ||
Burkina Faso | ||
Gambia | ||
Lesotho | ||
Malawi | ||
Oman | ||
Uganda |
Country | ||
Algeria | ||
Bangladesh | ||
Botswana | ||
Canada | ||
China | ||
Czech Republic | ||
Ethopia | ||
Ghana | ||
Italy | ||
Malaysia | ||
Morocco | ||
Qatar | ||
Romania | ||
Rwanda | ||
Tunisia | ||
Yemen |
Mauritius tax treaties are available at:
Partner Country | Date of Signature | Date of Entry into force |
Bangladesh | 21.12.2009 | 15.09.2010 |
Barbados | 28.09.2004 | 28.01.2005 |
Belgium | 04.07.1995 | 28.01.1999 |
Botswana | 26.09.1995 | 13.03.1996 |
China | 01.08.1994 | 05.05.1995 |
Croatia | 06.09.2002 | 09.08.2003 |
Cyprus | 21.01.2000 | 12.06.2000 |
France | 11.12.1980 | 17.09.1982 |
Germany | 07.10.2011 | 07.12.2012 |
India | 24.08.1982 | 11.06.1985 ** |
Italy | 09.03.1990 | 28.04.1995 |
Kuwait | 24.03.1997 | 01.09.1998 |
Lesotho | 29.08.1997 | 09.09.2004 |
Luxembourg | 15.02.1995 | 12.09.1996 |
Madagascar | 30.08.1994 | 04.12.1995 |
Malaysia | 23.08.1992 | 19.08.1993 |
Mozambique | 14.02.1997 | 08.05.1999 |
Namibia | 04.03.1995 | 25.07.1996 |
Nepal | 03.08.1999 | 10.11.1999 |
Oman | 30.03.1998 | 20.07.1998 |
Pakistan | 03.09.1994 | 19.05.1995 |
Qatar | 28.07.2008 | 28.07.2009 |
Rwanda | 20.04.2013 | 04.08.2014 |
Senegal | 17.04.2002 | 15.09.2004 # |
Seychelles | 11.03.2005 | 22.06.2005 |
Singapore | 19.08.1995 | 07.06.1996 |
South Africa | 17.05.2013 | 28.05.2015 |
Sri Lanka | 12.03.1996 | 02.05.1997 |
Swaziland | 29.06.1994 | 08.11.1994 |
Sweden | 01.12.2011 | 07.12.2012 |
Thailand | 01.10.1997 | 10.06.1998 |
Tunisia | 12.02.2008 | 28.10.2008 |
Uganda | 19.09.2003 | 21.07.2004 |
United Arab Emirates | 18.09.2006 | 31.07.2007 |
United Kingdom | 11.02.1981 | 19.10.1981 |
Zambia | 26.01.2011 | 04.06.2012 |
Zimbabwe | 06.03.1992 | 05.11.1992 |
Arab Republic of Egypt | 19.12.2012 | 10.03.2014 |
Gabon | 18.07.2013 | * |
Kenya | 10.04.2019 | * |
Guernsey | 17.12.2013 | 30.06.2014 |
Monaco | 13.04.2013 | 08.08.2013 |
Nigeria | 10.08.2012 | * |
Republic of Congo | 20.12.2010 | 08.10.2014 |
Russian Federation | 24.08.1995 | * |
Malta | 15.10.2014 | 23.04.2015 |
Morocco | 25.11.2015 | * |
Jersey | 03.03.2017 | 19.12.2018 |
Republic of Ghana | 11.03.2017 | 22.01.2019 |
Republic of Cabo Verde | 13.04.2017 | 05.03.2018 |
Comores | 12.09.2018 | * |
* Agreements awaiting ratification
** A Protocol for the amendment of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Mauritius and India has been signed on 10th May 2016.
# Treaty terminated by Senegal as from July 2019. New treaty will be negotiated.
# | Institution | Date signed |
1 | Pakistan : Pakistan Board of Investment Government of Pakistan | 14-May-03 |
2 | Madagascar : Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM) | 14-Jan-08 |
3 | Uganda : Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) | 27-May-08 |
4 | Comoros : Invest in Comores (ANPI) | 28-May-09 |
5 | Cape Verde : Cape Verde Investment, Exports and Tourism Promotion Agency (CV-IPA) | 9-Apr-10 |
6 | Swaziland : Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority | 20-Sep-16 |
7 | Zimbabwe : Zimbabwe Investment Authority (ZIA) | 24-Aug-10 |
8 | Democratic Republic of Congo : L’Agence Nationale pour la Promotion des Investissements (ANAPI) de la République Démocratique du Congo | 18-Jan-11 |
9 | Mozambique : Investment Promotion Centre of Mozambique (IPC) | 18-Jan-11 |
10 | Seychelles : Seychelles Investment Bureau (SIB) | 19-Nov-21 |
11 | Sierra Leone : Sierra Leone Investment and Export Agency (SLIEPA) | 14-Apr-11 |
12 | Tanzania : Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) | 24-Jan-11 |
13 | Kenya : Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) | 28-Jan-11 |
14 | Namibia : Namibian Investment Centre (NIC) | 16-Jun-11 |
15 | India : Invest India | 8-Feb-12 |
16 | South Sudan : South Sudan Investment Authority (SSIA) | 4-May-12 |
17 | Arab Republic of Egypt : General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) | 31-Jan-13 |
18 | Turkey : Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency (ISPAT) | 7-Feb-13 |
19 | Malawi : Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) | 7-Feb-13 |
20 | Zambia : Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) | 27-May-13 |
21 | Republic of Korea :Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) | 28-May-13 |
22 | South Africa : Trade and Investment South Africa (TISA) a division of the Department of Trade and Industry South Africa | 2-Jul-13 |
23 | Bangladesh : Board of Investment | 10-Jul-13 |
24 | Ghana : The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre | 19-Sep-13 |
25 | Djibouti : National Investment Promotion Agency | 23-Sep-13 |
26 | Gabon : Agence de Promotion des Investissements et des Exportations du Gabon (APIEX) | 17-Oct-13 |
27 | Russia : Moscow Investment & Export Promotion Agency (MIEPA) | 10-Jan-14 |
28 | Hong Kong : Invest Hong Kong | 26-Mar-14 |
29 | Cameroon : Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) | 25-Jun-14 |
30 | Burundi : Agence Burundaise de Promotion des Investissements (API) | 26-Jun-14 |
31 | Ethiopia : Ethiopian Investment Authority (EIA) | 25-Jun-14 |
32 | Burkina Faso : Agence de Promotion des Investissements du Burkina Faso (API-BF) | 26-Jun-14 |
33 | Tunisia : Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA Tunisia) | 13-Aug-14 |
34 | Republic of Marshall Islands : Office of Commerce & Investment | 23-Sep-14 |
35 | Senegal : Agence nationale chargée de la promotion de l’investissement et des Grands Travaux | 13-Feb-15 |
36 | Republic of Guinea : L'Agence de Promotion des Investissements Privés | 1-Mar-16 |
37 | Swaziland : Swaziland Investment Promotion Authority (SIPA) | 20-Sep-16 |
38 | East Africa Trade and Investment Hub (EATIH) | 20-Sep-16 |
39 | People's Republic of China : Bureau of Commerce of Qingdao Municipal Government | 4-Nov-16 |
People's Republic of China : CCPIT Shandong Sub-Council | 13-Nov-17 | |
40 | Mali : L’Agence pour la Promotion des Investissements au Mali (API-Mali) | 2-Dec-16 |
41 | Côte d'Ivoire : Centre de Promotion des Investissements en Côte d'Ivoire (CEPICI) | 16-Apr-16 |
42 | People's Republic of China : China Overseas Development Association (CODA) | 3-Sep-18 |
43 | Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry | 19-Nov-18 |
44 | Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry | 19-Nov-18 |
45 | Mozambique: Investment and Exports Promotion Agency (APIEX) | 31-Jan-19 |
46 | Mozambique: The Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique (CTA) | 02-Feb-19 |
47 | Economic Development Board Madagascar (EDBM) | 02-Feb-19 |
48 | Finnpartnership | 06-May-19 |
49 | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) | 23-Jul-19 |
50 | Egyptian African Businessmen's Association (EABA) | 14-Jun-22 |
51 | African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association | 02-Oct-23 |