Perspectives économiques mondiales de la Banque Mondiale pour 2025-2026
12 Fév 2025
Maurice accueille les investissements et encourage les affaires. Reconnue mondialement comme un environnement sûr, stable et propice aux activités commerciales, Maurice est un excellent endroit pour investir, travailler, vivre et prendre sa retraite, avec des infrastructures tournées vers l'avenir, une connectivité mondiale et des talents de classe internationale.
Investissez dans un projet d'au moins 500 millions de roupies et bénéficiez d'incitations, de remises, d'exonérations et de taux préférentiels.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
Le programme de résidence de Maurice permet aux ressortissants étrangers d'effectuer un investissement immobilier dans le pays et de demander un permis de résidence pour vivre, travailler et prendre leur retraite à Maurice.
Vivez et travaillez à distance depuis Maurice et profitez d'un long séjour ou prenez votre retraite dans un paradis tropical idyllique.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
Over the years, the Mauritius healthcare sector has evolved to provide a vibrant ecosystem to local and international players, with the objective of encouraging them to consider our island as a destination to expand their current activities in the medical field. Attractive features including a pro-business environment, infrastructure, a pool of qualified medical staff, as well as our proximity to mainland Africa, have been contributing factors for the growth of this sector.
Growth in this sector clearly demonstrates the transitioning of Mauritius into becoming a Centre of Excellence in the medical field, catering of the needs of the local and foreign patients. The healthcare sector provides a plethora of services, which ranges from basic healthcare services to high-value activities such as hi-tech medicine, medical tourism, medical education, and wellness.
The development of the pharmaceutical industry forms part of the economic agenda of the Government of Mauritius as part of its diversification strategy and development of a new economic pillar geared towards servicing the African continent.
Mauritius is becoming popular as a go-to destination for medical tourism. Currently, there is a number of specialty centres all over the island offering cosmetic surgery, dentistry work, rehabilitation, anxiety, hair transplanting, amongst others. Mauritius also welcomes senior citizens seeking a satisfactory level of healthcare facilities as well as provide them with a homely environment to stay
With the healthcare sector being on the prime agenda of the Government of Mauritius, the investment strategy is geared towards attracting multi-specialty clinics in Mauritius to cater for specific health ailments in the field:
Telemedicine is a virtual medical service offering patients outside Mauritius and healthcare providers in Mauritius options that were previously not available as it allows patients abroad to receive modern healthcare “made in Mauritius” without geographical limits, provided an internet connection and a smartphone are available. Opportunities exist in terms of developing distance diagnosis tools and sensor kits as well as supporting cloud-based software solutions. Oher opportunities in the long-term include the development of mental health technologies and developing software solutions in terms of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare.
Mauritius has a rich history of conventional and non-conventional medicines. Existing natural attributes to attract foreigners, who could enjoy the greenery and picturesque beauty of our island. Opportunities to set up wellness centres and provide services including hydrotherapy, traditional medicine, ayurvedic medicines and phytotherapy.
Mauritius boasts some of the latest technologies in the field of cosmetic surgery and dentistry equipment. It is noteworthy that some of the specialist centres are supported by modern medical diagnostic centres and laboratories in Mauritius. The island also possesses state-of-the-art medical infrastructure and highly trained and qualified personnel that can meet the growing needs of both domestic and international patient. Clinics in Mauritius is also endowed with experienced and professional staff, thereby offering high standard care.
Medical tourists travel to Mauritius for the following services but is not limited to:
Given the growing ageing population and the increasing need to provide senior citizens with a blend of quality healthcare services as well as maintaining an appropriate standard of living, the Government of Mauritius has put in place an attractive incentive framework to encourage the setting up of such facilities so as to cater for this category of population.
Mauritius is home to some 80 laboratories, which carry out a range of clinical tests spanning from biochemistry and bacteriology to molecular biology Mauritius is also equipped with the adequate medical soft and hard infrastructure to enable laboratories to operate in an efficient manner.
Through a panoply of schemes and unique incentives offered, EDB Mauritius supports the expansion and growth of business operations as a way to enhance substantive and value-added economic activities in Mauritius.
Medew Holdings Ltd
Setting up in Mauritius means joining a long list of world-class businesses that have chosen our country as their regional base of operations. These exceptional businesses include: