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  • REGISTER NOW: The Use of Intellectual Property (IP) for Branding, Product Development, and Commercialization Virtual Training

20 June • Conference • Development

REGISTER NOW: The Use of Intellectual Property (IP) for Branding, Product Development, and Commercialization Virtual Training

The ITC’s SheTrades Initiative and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) invites you to join the free training on “The Use of Intellectual Property (IP) for Women-Led Businesses for Branding, Product Development, and Commercialization”. Please see below for more information:

Date: Tuesday 20 June 2023
Time: 09:00 – 11:30 am Central European Summer Time (CEST)

To register, please fill out this form by 17 June:

Training objective:
The training aims to promote income generation and job creation by training women-led businesses on understanding and protecting their intellectual property (IP) rights to enhance their branding, product development and commercialization to benefit from global trade opportunities.

For any additional information you may need on the above-mentioned training, please send an email containing the subject ‘WIPO ITC SheTrades’ to womenandtrade@intracen.org.
