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10 Avr 2024 • Development • Conference

Insights from the 8th Public-Private Joint Committee Meeting in Mauritius

The 8th session of the Public-Private Joint Committee convened on April 5, 2024, chaired by The Honourable Dr. Renganaden Padayachy, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning, and Development. This collaborative committee was established by the Maurice Stratégie and the Economic Development Board, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, and Development.

Approximately sixty representatives from both the public and private sectors attended the committee.

In his welcoming remarks, Sanroy Seechurn, Director of Maurice Stratégie, underscored the pivotal role of these consultations in shaping the research agenda of Maurice Stratégie. He highlighted that it has been a year since the inception of Maurice Stratégie and provided insights into the institution’s various research endeavors thus far.

In his opening speech, Ken Poonoosamy, Chief Executive Officer of the Economic Development Board, explained that this Public-Private Joint Committee has facilitated several timely and effective government measures across various sectors. Mr. Poonoosamy also noted that Foreign Direct Investments exceeded 35 billion rupees in 2023, with the EDB forecasting a record figure of 38 billion rupees for 2024.

Subsequently, representatives from the private sector expressed their perspectives on the Mauritian economy and put forth proposals for the forthcoming budgetary cycle.

The Honourable Renganaden Padayachy concluded the session with remarks, addressing the proposals submitted during the committee deliberations. He assured attendees that these recommendations would be meticulously examined by a technical team, leading to the formulation of concrete proposals. Additionally, he reiterated the government’s unwavering dedication to enhancing the business environment and further positioning Mauritius as an attractive investment destination.

The Public-Private Joint Committee convenes quarterly to deliberate on matters of economic significance.

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