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7 Sep 2022 • Business Facilitation • Doing Business • Investment

Mauritius participation in the TICAD8

The EDB participated in the TICAD 8 virtual SDG Investor Map Convening hosted by UNDP in collaboration with the AfDB on Tuesday 06th September 2022. During the event, Mr. Ken Poonoosamy, the CEO of the Economic Development Board, highlighted three Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs) that are related to green and blue economy, namely; solar energy, biomass production and decentralized water treatment and supply systems.

Mauritius is recognized as one of the countries with the best conditions, globally, for boosting investment. Some of these include impressive governance indicators, internet coverage, impressive competitiveness indices, competitive incentives for investors, as well several international trade agreements.

The full range of sector and 17 IOAs will be highlighted to the upcoming national launch of the SDG Investor Map for Mauritius.

Preparation of the Investor Map is a partnership between EDB, UNDP Mauritius, UNDP SDG Impact , and the UNDP Istanbul Centre for Private Sector in Development.

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