Visit of business delegation of CII Members to Mauritius
13 Fév 2025
Maurice accueille les investissements et encourage les affaires. Reconnue mondialement comme un environnement sûr, stable et propice aux activités commerciales, Maurice est un excellent endroit pour investir, travailler, vivre et prendre sa retraite, avec des infrastructures tournées vers l'avenir, une connectivité mondiale et des talents de classe internationale.
Investissez dans un projet d'au moins 500 millions de roupies et bénéficiez d'incitations, de remises, d'exonérations et de taux préférentiels.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
Le programme de résidence de Maurice permet aux ressortissants étrangers d'effectuer un investissement immobilier dans le pays et de demander un permis de résidence pour vivre, travailler et prendre leur retraite à Maurice.
Vivez et travaillez à distance depuis Maurice et profitez d'un long séjour ou prenez votre retraite dans un paradis tropical idyllique.
Tirer parti de notre accès préférentiel sans précédent au marché à 68 % de la population mondiale et bénéficier d’une panoplie d’accords de libre-échange.
Maurice, la plateforme idéale pour les affaires et l'investissement en Afrique
30 Nov 2023 • Conference • Development
A high-level Investment and Trade Promotion Mission to Japan, organised by the Economic Development Board (EDB) Mauritius from November 17 to 22, 2023, has concluded with success, paving the way for closer economic cooperation between the two countries.
A major business Japanese delegation, led by His Excellency, Yamada Kenji, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, visited Mauritius in May 2023 to explore firsthand investment and business opportunities on the island. As a follow up to this visit, EDB mounted this promotion mission to Japan in close collaboration with key partners namely: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, the Ministry of Financial Services and Good Governance, the Embassy of Japan in Mauritius, EDB Japan office, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), Japan Institute for Overseas investment (JOI), UNIDO-ITPO Tokyo, the Osaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry, and the Kobe Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The mission saw the participation of eleven Mauritian companies from the financial, freeport and logistics, legal, renewable energy, automobile and banking sectors.
The prime objectives were to bring more visibility on Mauritius, as a viable destination for business and investment. Business Forums and B2B meetings were organised in Osaka and Tokyo and Roundtable discussions were held in Kobe.
& Capital, a major Japanese company has already confirmed that it will establish an important fund structure in Mauritius soon. Mitsui O.S.K Lines, another leading Japanese company has partnered with a Mauritius firm.
EDB officials held discussions with senior officers from the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment, JETRO and UNIDO ITPOTokyo, covering proposals for the signature of an Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement between both countries.
Japan, third largest economy in the world, is an economic powerhouse, known for its technological advancements, manufacturing excellence and innovative spirit. With a nominal GDP of over $4.9 trillion, Japan offers a vast market and a wealth of opportunities for collaboration.
The mission’s success underscores the strong potential for further economic collaboration between Mauritius and Japan. Mauritius, with its stable political and economic environment, pro-business policies, and strategic location as a gateway to Africa, presents an attractive destination for Japanese investors seeking to expand their reach into the African continent.
The strengthening of economic ties between Mauritius and Japan holds immense promise for both nations, fostering mutual growth, prosperity, and shared success in the years to come.
EDB Mauritius will continue its efforts to promote investment and trade between Mauritius and Japan.
Visit of business delegation of CII Members to Mauritius
13 Fév 2025 •Development
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