Gulfood 2025

Gulfood 2025 is an annual exhibition dedicated to the food industry, and it will be held in Dubai from 17 to 21 February 2025.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Embassy is inviting Mauritian companies to be part of its endorsed delegation at Gulfood 2025. The USDA-Endorsed Delegation to Gulfood 2025 in Dubai will be a partially sponsored buyers’ mission with USDA aiding to defray some of the cost of attending.

For more details about participation in the USDA-Endorsed Delegation to Gulfood 2025, please contact Mr Nevolan Reddy by mail at by Monday, January 13th @ 09:00 a.m. South African time.


Webinaire sur les Opportunités d’affaires en Afrique du Sud et Afrique australe

L’Afrique australe représente un marché de plus de 170 millions d’habitants. Selon la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), la croissance moyenne des pays de la région d’Afrique australe devrait augmenter progressivement. Le PIB réel devrait atteindre les 2,6 % en 2025, menée notamment par les pays tels que la Zambie, le Zimbabwe, la Namibie, le Mozambique, Botswana, Malawi, Lesotho, Eswatini ainsi que l’Afrique du Sud.

Maurice exporte principalement sur ces pays les produits d’habillement, les produits en plastique, les instruments électroniques, les profils en d’aluminium, des barres de construction, des câbles en fibre optiques, des produits agroalimentaires ainsi que des produits cosmétiques. Le montant de nos exportations en 2023 s’élève à USD 215 million. Cependant, l’importation de ces pays pour les mêmes catégories de produits se chiffrent à plus de USD 48 milliard, provenant notamment de Chine, d’Inde, de l’Europe entre autres.

Les accord régionaux (COMESA, SADC, AGOA), ainsi que des incitations à l’export du gouvernement Mauricien, offrent de nombreuses opportunités aux entreprises locales pour pénétrer le marché régional et dynamiser leurs exports sur ces marchés en pleine essor.

Afin de mieux comprendre l’environnement des affaires, les perspectives de marché, les réseaux de distribution de produits et services, l’EDB en partenariat avec Business France vous invite à un webinaire sur les opportunités d’affaires en Afrique du Sud et Afrique australe. Les présentations et discussions porteront sur des exemples concrets, ce à quoi vous devez faire attention lors de l’entrée sur ces marchés et comment avoir du succès à long terme.

A l’agenda

  • Perspectives et enjeux économiques sur la zone
  • Focus sur le secteur industriel au niveau régional, les leviers de croissance et les opportunités d’affaires
  • Environnement des affaires et approche marché (intelligence du marché, stratégie de prospection et de partenariat etc.)

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contactez Mons. Ram Jutliah sur le +230 203 3862 ou sur

Pour assurer votre participation, veuillez-vous enregistrer sur le lien ci-dessous :

Workshop on the EU Green Deal

The European Commission has taken the lead to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and adopted its first European Climate Law in 2021 with the objective of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030. To achieve these objectives, the EU is actively engaged to reduce emissions across all sectors. Consequently, the European Green Deal (EGD) will have an impact on all imports into the EU market.

In this context, the Economic Development Board (EDB) is organizing a workshop on EU Green Deal on Thursday 28 November 2024 from 13.00 to 16.30 Hrs to allow Mauritian exporters to better understand the implications and opportunities associated with this initiative.

We invite you to register on below link: EU Green Deal Workshop

Africa Tech Festival 2024

The Economic Development Board will be leading a delegation of 5 start-ups to the forthcoming edition of Africa Tech Festival scheduled from 11-14 November 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa.

Africa Tech Festival is considered as the continent’s largest and most impactful technology event for African technology experts, policy makers, business leaders and next-gen emerging talents as it brings 3 anchor events under the same roof namely Africa Com, Africa Tech and Africa Ignite. The 2024 edition will be showcasing the latest trends and technology in Datacenter and cloud, Cybersecurity, Fintech, AI, and Big Data.

A Start Up Pitch is planned on the main stage of Africa Ignite on 12th November as from 15.45 during which the 5 participating start ups will get the opportunity to showcase their technology and digital offerings to potential investors, VC’s, Incubators and customers among others.

In case you wish to have one to one meeting with the Mauritian delegation, kindly register your interest on the link below.

Click here for your free badge.

For more information , please contact Maya Leelah on 230 2033816 or

SheTrades Mauritius Hub : Workshop on New Budgetary Measures

Do you want to get a better insight on the new budgetary measures related to income tax and other relevant contributions that can assist your business development?

Join us for the explanatory workshop on new budgetary measures specifically tailored to women-led businesses.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Income Tax measures
  • Allowances and new schemes
  • Social Security Contributions
  • Other Relevant Contributions

Thursday 3rd October 2024

09h30 to 12h00

EDB Auditorium, Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square, Wall Street, Ebene

Why Attend?

  • Benefit from expert guidance to know more on the new budgetary measures
  • Get the chance to increase awareness on Social Security Contributions
  • Compliance to new budgetary measures

The Speakers

The dynamic team of the Medium and Small Taxpayer department from the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA) will be providing insightful guidance.

Register Now

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain expert advice and become more conversant with the new budgetary measures for your business development.

Deadline to apply: By Friday 27 September 2024

Participez à la 6e edition d’Ambition Africa

Les 19 et 20 Novembre 2024

Participez à la 6ème édition du forum Ambition Africa, devenu le rendez-vous annuel incontournable des relations économiques et commerciales franco-africaines en présence de ministres, d’ambassadeurs, de speakers de haut niveau et de délégations d’entreprises venant de l’ensemble du continent africain !

Ambition Africa 2024 s’articulera sur deux journées autour de :

  • Une séance plénière en présence d’officiels français et africains
  • Des ateliers thématiques sectoriels et transversaux
  • Des rendez-vous d’affaires ciblés au format B2B
  • Un village d’experts
  • Des cocktails de networking

Revivez L'édition 2023

Placé sous le haut patronage du Président de la République Emmanuel Macron et soutenu par le ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique, ainsi que le ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Etrangères, l’édition 2023 d’Ambition Africa a rassemblé plus de 1 600 participants français et africains, venus de 41 pays d’Afrique, en présentiel et en digital.

Textile & Apparel Promotion at Ready To Show Event 2024

Come and Discover the Mauritian Textile & Apparel Expertise

In line with its market diversification strategy for the Textile and Apparel sector, the Economic Development Board (EDB) is leading a delegation of 12 Textile and Apparel manufacturing companies to Ready to Show trade fair, in Italy, from 14th to 17th September 2024. The event will be held at the RHO Fiera Milano along with the Milano Fashion&Jewels. Italy is the third-largest economy in the Eurozone and the fourth-largest importer of apparel in Europe, with imports totaling to USD 21 billion in 2023. Last year, Mauritius exported USD 13 million worth of textile and apparel products to Italy.

This international clothing trade show will take place during the prestigious Milano Fashion Week to display upcoming autumn & winter fashions. Mauritian exhibitors will showcase sustainable products ‘Made with Care’ developed for the European market, including cashmere knitwear, high-end T-shirts, pullovers and cardigans, formal and casual shirts, swimwear, sportwear, dresses, socks, corporate wear and recycled fibers.

For more information on participating companies, kindly consult the following brochure:

14th to 17th September 2024

09h30 to 18h30

Fiera Milano, 20017 RHO, Milan, Italy

Mauritius Pavilion: Hall 10

Booth no.

  • K33-35-37-39-41-43
  • L30-32-34-36-38-40


  • Cashmere knitwear, high-end T-shirts, pullovers and cardigans, formal and casual shirts, sport wear, dresses, socks, corporate wear and recycled fibers

SheTrades Mauritius Hub : Capacity building workshop on Sales & Marketing

Do you want to use the power of marketing to drive sales and grow your business?

Join us for a transformative journey with our Sales & Marketing Workshop for women entrepreneurs designed to revitalise your strategies and unlock your entrepreneurial potential.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Core marketing strategies
  • Setting up of marketing plans
  • Use of social media in boosting sales

Thursday 5th September 2024

10h00 to 12h00

EDB Auditorium, Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square, Wall Street, Ebene

Why Attend?

  • Benefit from expert guidance to enhance performance
  • Access comprehensive resources to embrace change and innovation
  • Network with like-minded women entrepreneurs and grow your businesses

Meet the Mentors

Mr. Eric Bindah, Academician and Researcher at the University of Mauritius, has a Ph.D in Business Administration (Marketing), an MBA from the University of Malaya among others. His multidisciplinary research interests include management, marketing, entrepreneurship and law.

Secure Your Spot Today! Don’t miss this opportunity to gain expert advice and become the leader you aspire to be.

Deadline to apply: By Wednesday 28 August 2024

SheTrades Mauritius Hub: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Rodrigues

The SheTrades Mauritius Hub, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme and the Commission for Industrial Development in Rodrigues, is conducting a ‘Field Visit and Capacity Building Workshop’ for women entrepreneurs in Rodrigues. This initiative forms part of the Economic Development Board’s role as the host agency for the ITC SheTrades Initiative to empower women entrepreneurs and support the internationalization of their products and services. The programme is partially funded by the United Nations Development Programme and will be held as from 26th to 28th August 2024.

The visit will be led by Mrs. Nirmala Jeetah, Director of Bio Industry & Project Development, ITC SheTrades Mauritius Hub. The objectives include assessing the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, raising awareness of the benefits of joining the SheTrades platform, and enhancing their export readiness and participation in overseas events. A list of potential export-ready companies will be compiled, and a tailored action plan will be developed in collaboration with the women-led businesses in Rodrigues.

Capacity building workshop on banking facilities

Are you looking to raise capital or manage your business growth?

Join us for a transformative Capacity Building Workshop designed exclusively for women entrepreneurs! Learn how to navigate the financial landscape and secure the right banking services to overcome the financial challenges of your business.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Strategies for raising capital
  • Effective financial management for business growth
  • Finding the right banking services for your needs
  • Overcoming financial challenges with confidence

Wednesday 14 August 2024

10h00 to 12h00

EDB Auditorium, Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square, Wall Street, Ebene

Why Attend?

  • Gain valuable insights from industry experts
  • Network like-minded women entrepreneurs
  • Access tools and resources to enhance your financial skills

Meet the Mentors

Mr. Ritesh Abbi, a Senior Banker & Fund Advisor with a successful track record as a business leader and innovator, having extensive experience in Fund Administration, Banking and Trade Operations.

Mrs Anubha Bhargava, Vice President at the State Bank of India, has more than 14 years of experience in the Banking Industry and manages various portfolios including business development, framing of credit policies and procedures, product development and financing to SME’s.

Secure Your Spot Today! Don’t miss this opportunity to empower your business with the financial knowledge and support you need to succeed.

Deadline to apply: By Wednesday 07 August 2024

Capacity Building Programme – Apparel Sector

Enhancing Mauritius' Apparel Sector Through Fashion Trend

The Economic Development Board (EDB), in collaboration with the University of Mauritius (UOM), is organising a capacity building programme for the apparel sector from August 7th to 19th, 2024. The aim of this initiative is to equip industry professionals with relevant skills and knowledge on the latest fashion trends.

Trend Workshop

7th August 2024

09h00 to 13h00

EDB Auditorium, Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square, Wall Street, Ebene

Technical Workshop

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in both theoretical and practical sessions on topic such as advanced garment construction techniques, modern digital tools, technical aspects of garment making, Haute Couture and sustainability in fast fashion.

8th- 19th August 2024
Morning | Afternoon Sessions

University of Mauritius, Reduit

MUR 14,500 per participant

Resource Person for the Programme

Mrs. Sheila Murugan is a French modelist with more than 40 years of working experience in international fashion, currently employed at Yves St Laurent, Paris. She has worked for renowned fashion houses: Vogue, Gaultier, Chanel, Vuitton, Louis Feraud, Cerruti etc.

For more information on the capacity building programme, please contact Mr. Geerish Bucktowonsing on 52597377

Food Safety Capacity Building Workshop

The Economic Development Board, in collaboration with the COMESA Secretariat, has the pleasure to invite you to a FOOD SAFETY CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP

18 July 2024

10h00 to 12h00

EDB Auditorium, Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square, Wall Street, Ebene


  • Presentation of New Food Act and related food safety regulations by Mr. Yousouf Gaungoo, Officer in Charge of the Mauritius Food Standards Agency (MFSA)
  • Assistance to SMEs under the COMESA Food Safety Programme, by Mrs Ruth Nyagah, Consultant, Victus Global Botswana

Deadline for registration is 17th July 2024.


Webinaire sur l’économie sud-africaine et le Business Forum Afrique australe-Océan Indien en octobre à Johannesburg

La CCI France Maurice, la CCI France Afrique du Sud, les CCE et Business France vous invitent chaleureusement à participer à un webinaire : la présentation sur l’économie sud-africaine et le Business Forum Afrique australe-Océan Indien en octobre à Johannesburg.

09 July 2024

12h30 to 14h00 (heure Maurice)


  • Introduction à la zone Afrique Sub-Saharienne et à l’Afrique du Sud
  • Présentation de la filière Industrie & Cleantech
  • Découverte de la filière Agrotech
  • Exploration des filières Art de Vivre-Santé et Tech&Services
  • Offre de services d’implantation en Afrique du Sud

Ne manquez pas cette opportunité unique de découvrir les perspectives économiques et les opportunités d’affaires en Afrique du Sud, ainsi que de vous informer sur le prochain Business Forum en octobre.


Mentorship opportunity for women-led businesses

Interested in learning how to manage your finances effectively?

The SheTrades Mauritius Hub is conducting a mentorship programme specifically for women-led businesses. Join us to gain valuable insights and enhance your financial management skills.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

10h00 to 12h00

EDB Auditorium, Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square, Wall Street, Ebene


This programme is designed to empower women entrepreneurs by providing insightful information in financial management to:

  • Make optimal and efficient use of their funds
  • Ensure good returns on investment
  • Venture into safe investment opportunities

Key topics covered

  • Managing cash flow
  • Reading and understanding of balance sheet and financial statements
  • Preparing budget/forecasting
  • Ongoing impact on business (sharing experience)

Meet the mentor

Mr. Amit Gupta, a seasoned professional and highly accomplished Chartered Accountant/Law Graduate, has more than 27 years of post-qualification experience working with renowned multinational companies and in the field of financial management.

Deadline to apply: By noon on Monday 08 July 2024

India Africa Entrepreneurship and Investment Summit

The Economic Development Board (EDB) is participating in the 4th edition of the India Africa Entrepreneurship & Investment Summit, being organised by the India Africa Entrepreneurship Forum. The Summit will take place from the 18th to the 19th of July 2024 at the Intercontinental Resort Mauritius and will convene over 150 influential delegates, including venture capitalists, angel investors, and leading entrepreneurs from India and Africa. This Summit will provide a unique platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and exploring sustainable growth opportunities.

Join us for insightful discussions, impactful partnerships, and the chance to be part of a dynamic community driving economic progress across both regions.

Workshop on Incentives and Schemes for Women Led Businesses

The SheTrades Mauritius Hub hosted by the Economic Development Board is organising a workshop on Incentives and Schemes for Women Led Businesses on 05 July 2024 from 09h45 to 12h30 to enhance awareness on the existing incentives available for SMEs. The training will be held at the Conference Room of the EDB, Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square, Wall Street, Ebene.

Objectives of the Training

This programme is designed to get women entrepreneurs acquainted on existing incentives available to do business. The Workshop is designed to provide insightful information with the participation of key institutions such as the:

  • SME Mauritius
  • Development Bank of Mauritius
  • Mauritius Revenue Authority

Click on the button below to register before noon on Tuesday 02 July 2024

Participation to the Africa CIO Tech Days (ACTD) in Côte d’Ivoire and Prospection mission to Togo, from the 13th to 18th June 2024

The Economic Development Board will be coordinating a promotional mission to Côte d’Ivoire from the 12 to 14 June 2024 in line with its participation in the Africa CIO Tech Days (ACTD) 2024. The event is being organised by the ClubDSI which is a Tech private sector association comprising of some 300 members from various economic sectors.

The mission aims to showcase the various opportunities in Mauritius’s ICT industry and also foster collaboration between the ICT companies in Mauritius and Cote D’Ivoire. Moreover, participating Mauritian ICT operators will have a unique opportunity during the Tech event to contribute to panel session and showcase their expertise, solutions and services. The mission shall thus provide an excellent opportunity for local ICT companies to enlarge their business network in the Western part of Africa.

Additionally, with the objective of diversifying into new and emerging African markets, a prospection mission to Togo is being planned for 17 and 18 June 2024, whereby companies will get the opportunity to meet and discuss with both private and public institutions in view of establishing strategic partnerships and explore investment opportunities.

For further information and for registration to participate

Please feel free to contact Mrs Sephora Sarah on or on 2033834

Kindly note that the EDB reserves the right not to proceed with a delegation should there not be enough interest.

Training on driving growth and competitiveness through technology and innovation

The National Productivity and Competitiveness Council (NPCC) in collaboration with the Economic Development Board, Mauritius (EDB) and United Nation Commission for Africa (UNECA) is organising a training and on “Driving Growth and Competitiveness through technology and innovation” for SMEs in Mauritius. This training is also open for SMEs from other African countries.

The training programme aims at enhancing knowledge of SMEs to design or apply common specific technology and innovation concept in addressing specific competitiveness bottleneck in their industrial process. SMEs will be able to use or adopt at least one business intelligence tool that optimizes their processes.

A deeper dive into Innovation Frameworks (Design Thinking) will be done during the training. The overall goal is to equip the participants with in-depth knowledge of the 5 stages of design thinking. Case studies and problem-solving exercises will also be done to enable SMEs to develop a higher level of design thinking and innovation. This will allow SMEs to implement different innovation frameworks at their workplace.

The training programme will be held once a week, starting from Monday 13th May 2024 as from 13.00 to 15.30 hrs at NPCC The Catalyst Building in Ebene.

The 2-3 hours once-a-week training programme is scheduled as follows:

  • Monday 13 May
  • Monday 20 May
  • Wednesday 29 May
  • Tuesday 4 June
  • Monday 10 June

Interested exporting SMEs in the Manufacturing Sector are requested to register on the link below:

Once registration is completed, SMEs will be required to complete the Pre-Training Survey questionnaire.

The deadline to register is Tuesday 07 May.

Export Promotion Mission – Healthcare & Life Sciences Seychelles

In line with its export promotion strategy the Economic Development Board will be organizing an export promotion mission to Mahé, Seychelles, scheduled from 13th to 15th May 2024. A private sector delegation comprising representatives of healthcare institutions, laboratories, wellness companies will form part of this export promotion mission.

The primary focus of this mission is to highlight the various opportunities within the healthcare and life sciences industry in Mauritius and to facilitate collaboration between Mauritius and Seychelles operators.

Participating companies will have the opportunity to showcase their activities and create awareness about their services. B2B meetings and a business forum are scheduled to take place in Seychelles, involving key stakeholders in the field.

For any further information

Please feel free to contact Mrs Nivesha Seebah on or Mrs Nirmala Jeetah on

Export Promotion Mission- ITC SheTrades Mauritius hub

The ITC SheTrades Mauritius hub is organizing an export promotion mission to Mahé, Seychelles, scheduled from 15th to 17th May, 2024. The delegation will comprise women-led businesses from various sectors, including goods and services.

The mission’s main objective is to facilitate the entry of women entrepreneurs from Mauritius into international markets and to foster collaboration among women-led businesses in both Mauritius and Seychelles.

Participating companies will have the opportunity to showcase their products and services during B2B meetings and a business forum with key stakeholders and industry associations in Seychelles.

For any further information

Please feel free to contact Mrs Nivesha Seebah on or Mrs Nirmala Jeetah on

Webinaire : Accroitre la compétitivité du secteur manufacturier à travers la comptabilité durable


Please click on the link for registration.

EDB Mega Blood Donation

The Economic Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Blood Donors Association, and other health institutions is organizing a Mega Blood Donation and a medical check-up from 27th to 29th February 2024, at EDB Head Office, Ebene.

The 3-days event forms part of the corporate social responsibility initiatives of the EDB to demonstrate its commitment to community welfare, public health and fostering a positive image of the EDB. It will consist of the following activities:

Mega Blood Donation

Please click on the link for registration as blood donor.

Medical Check-up

Rapid medical check-up/ vision test / breast exams / Pap Smear exams

Public Awareness Campaign

Talk on HIV/Aids & Cancer Awareness

Plants Distribution by the Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security

We look forward for your participation for the Mega Blood Donation 2024.


Economic Development Board Mauritius to join other leaders of international investment at new delhi summit

A delegation from the Economic Development Board of Mauritius (EDB) will be among the government officials, business leaders and high-level representatives of multilateral institutions who will convene in New Delhi from 11th to 14th December 2023, to discuss the current global challenges and opportunities posed by foreign direct investment (FDI).

“I find the theme of this year’s Conference: 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬: 𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐬 𝐏𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐭𝐡 to be very befitting as it provides the right platform for IPAs and Investors to connect, discuss on pressing issues and identify new avenues for investment by the private sector while IPAs play the role of facilitating such investment projects.” states Mr Hemraj Ramnial, Chairman of EDB Mauritius.


Joining hands for a sustainable future : Mauritius symposiums for UNFCCC COP 28

As the global attention is drawn on the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) being held in Dubai at Expo City, from 30 November 2023 to 12 December 2023, Mauritius reaffirms its ambitious commitments towards transitioning to a sustainable and net-zero economy.

The Economic Development Board (EDB) of Mauritius in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate change is pleased to invite you to a series of events being held in the margins of the UNFCCC COP 28 showcasing progress, opportunities, and public-private partnerships in the fields of Renewable Energy, Net-Zero Transition, Green Finance, ESG and Circular Economy. A dozen Mauritian companies coming from the following sectors: Tourism, Agriculture, Energy, Finance and Sustainability sectors will be present.

The event is open to all attendees of the UNFCCC COP 28 conference (Blue zone pass holders).

Join our expert panel lists for sector focused presentations and interactive sessions scheduled. 

Download the document below for additional informations.

COP28 Mauritius Events

Call for registration – Training Programme in Rodrigues on “Entrepreneurial skills for export”

L’Economic Development Board de Maurice (EDB), en collaboration avec l’Assemblée Régionale de Rodrigues (RRA) et le Secrétariat du Commonwealth organise un programme de formation pour permettre aux entrepreneurs rodriguais de développer des compétences entrepreneuriales pour les exportations vers les marchés étrangers.

Ce programme couvrira des sujets liés à l’exportation, notamment les négociations commerciales entre exportateur et importateur, les procédures et la logistique d’exportation, les coûts et la commercialisation des produits. La session de formation est prévue pour 6 à 8 Décembre 2023 à Rodrigues.

Le formateur, avec le soutien de l’équipe de l’EDB, évaluera la préparation à l’exportation des entreprises de Rodrigues et fournira des conseils pour optimiser leur production.

Les entrepreneurs intéressés, engagés dans la production, la promotion et tout autre activité liée à l’exportation sont invités à s’inscrire sur le lien ci-dessous :

Cette formation est gratuite. Les participants seront responsables de leurs frais de déplacement pour assister à ce programme. Les jeunes diplômés sont également encouragés à s’inscrire aux formations à l’exportation. Une sélection sera effectuée pour les participants.

Pour toute information, veuillez contacter sur le 832 4953 / 203 3800 et par courriel sur

Des informations et le formulaire d’Inscription peuvent également être obtenues auprès du bureau de l’EDB Rodrigues à Malabar.

Africa Tech Festival 2023

As part of its export promotion strategy, EDB will be participating in the forthcoming edition of Africa Tech festival scheduled from 14-16 November 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa. The key sponsors for this event are Emtel Ltd, Leal Group, Secure Key Group and MITCO Ltd. Africa Tech festival represents the ideal platform where companies will be able to showcase their service offerings as well as establish contacts with potential clients.

Considered as the continent’s largest technology event, Africa Tech Festival 2023 will take a fresh look at industry defining core content on telecoms, connectivity, infrastructure, inclusivity, start-ups, fintech and disruption across key sectors such as cybersecurity, cloud & big data, data centres, and green ICT. It is the most impactful event uniting Africa’s tech ecosystems, business communities and political leadership to align their ambition to elevate African economies. With new content, features and enhanced networking, Africa Tech Festival 2023 remains the forum for African technology experts, policy makers, business leaders and next-gen emerging talents.

Africa Tech and Africa Com occur concurrently during the Africa Tech festival:

Africa Tech which showcases the latest trends and technology in Datacentre and cloud, Cybersecurity, Fintech, AI and Big Data.

Africa Com which is the most influential telecommunications event and by far the largest gathering of Africa-focused connectivity leaders in the world. Uniting telecoms, infrastructure and policy to position Africa as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The last edition attracted over 12,000 participants from some 136 countries.

Key Outcome of Africa Tech Festival

  • 3.7 Million Reach
  • Over 12,0000 on-site visitors
  • Over 8,500 online visitors
  • 136 countries
  • Over 300 exhibitors
The event will be attended by international participants including top enterprise leaders, telco C-Suite, start-up founders, investors and senior government officials as well as relevant associations and their members. An exhibiting space of 36sqm has been secured within the AfricaTech section. Countries like India, South Africa, USA, UAE, Turkey and Estonia have already confirmed their participation in this event.

Export Promotion Mission – Healthcare & Life Sciences Sector Kenya

As part of its mandate, the Economic Development Board is organising a Healthcare and Lifesciences services promotion mission in Kenya from the 21st to the 24th of November 2023.

In this context, a business forum has been scheduled on 21st November 2023 which will bring together stakeholders of the healthcare, life sciences, medical devices and pharmaceutical industry of Kenya and Mauritius.

The EDB will be pleased to welcome you in the business forum, which will be followed by B2B meetings.

Kindly click on the link below to register and book a seat for the business forum.

Healthcare and Biotech Conference, Mauritius 2023

The Economic Development Board of Mauritius is organizing a Healthcare and Biotech Conference on the 18th of October 2023. The event will bring together renown local and international delegates- who are involved both directly and indirectly in this sector and aims at addressing key topics that are today influencing the global healthcare and biotech industry. In addition, this conference will demonstrate the sectoral business, investment and collaborative opportunities that Mauritius has to offer.

Mauritius at Anuga Fine Food

The Economic Development Board, Mauritius (EDB) with 12 Food and Beverages exporters will be in Anuga Fine Food, promoting Special Cane Sugar, Canned Tuna, Spirits – Rum, Vodka, & Whisky, Spices/Seasonings, Fruits & Vegetables Pickles, Snoek & Morue Fish, Moringa Juice and Tea, Rodrigues Island turmeric and red beans, Snacks-Banana Chips and Vanilla.

The F&B exporters presence at Anuga aims at sustaining orders with global F&B buyers and built new clienteles. 


Buyers-Sellers Meetings in Botswana, Namibia and Zambia

Are you a business owner looking to expand your market reach and establish valuable connections in these 3 African countries? Look no further!

Our upcoming event brings together top buyers and sellers from the region, creating a unique platform for networking, collaboration, and growth opportunities for local manufacturing companies.

Join us and unlock the immense potential of these dynamic regional markets.

  • Lusaka, Zambia 30-31 Oct 2023
  • Gaborone, Botswana 02-03 Nov 2023
  • Windhoek, Namibia 06-07 Nov 2023

What to expect?

  • Local manufacturing companies will have the opportunity to hold one-to-one meetings with potential buyers to market their products.
  • The event will bring together industry leaders and entrepreneurs, from Mauritius and the host countries, to pave the way for a stronger partnership with African partners.

Targeted Sectors: Light engineering, Electronics, Chemicals, Textile & Apparel, Food and Drink.

Don’t miss out on this chance to accelerate your regional business growth in Namibia, Zambia, and Botswana!

EDB reserves the right of selection of companies and not to go ahead with the mission.


Mauritius spearheads Pan-African Collaboration with the Africa Partnership Conference 2023

The Economic Development Board (EDB) of Mauritius, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning & Development, is proud to announce the hosting of the Africa Partnership Conference (APC) on the 2nd and 3rd of October 2023. The event will take place at the Intercontinental Balaclava Fort in Mauritius.

Under the theme “Unity in Partnership: Enabling Sustainable & Inclusive Investment”, the conference aims at fostering a conducive investment climate, catalyzing cross-border collaboration and promoting harmonious interactions among a diverse array of stakeholders. This theme not only underscores the importance of strategic partnerships but also highlights the role played by Mauritius in propelling Africa towards a future characterized by sustainable growth, innovation, and shared prosperity.

The APC is EDB’s flagship conference for 2023 and is expected to bring together Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) from 25 African nations, forward-thinking venture capitalists, fund managers, Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), expert tax advisors, institutional investors, and groundbreaking entrepreneurs.

Designed with the vision of nurturing collaboration and encouraging insightful dialogues on key aspects that define Africa’s growth trajectory, the APC aims to position Mauritius at the forefront of investment and trade hubs within the African region.

The two-day conference will be packed with mastermind keynotes, special addresses and panel discussions. These sessions will delve into crucial themes such as Intra-Africa Trade, Infrastructure, Trade Financing, AfCFTA, ESG, and Fintech, to name a few. Attendees will gain insights into emerging investment and business opportunities in African markets, network with global leaders, foster collaboration among Investment Promotion Agencies, and work towards optimizing Africa’s growth potential.

With an expected turnout of 400 participants, the event is set to welcome CEOs representing more than 100 international organizations. The APC will gather over two days eminent personalities and thought leaders.

For Dr. the Honourable Renganaden Padayachy, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, the APC Mauritius 2023 sets the tone for a transformative event that promises to redefine the future of pan-African collaboration.

“The Africa Partnership Conference is more than just an event; it’s a testament to Mauritius’s steadfast dedication to nurturing pan-African collaboration. The APC 2023 is where groundbreaking ideas meet unparalleled opportunities, where lasting partnerships are established, ties are built, and key economic issues are debated. We are privileged to welcome some of Africa’s most distinguished personalities. Together, we can redefine the investment, business, and trade landscape, further solidifying Mauritius’s position in relation to Africa”, he adds.

The APC enjoys the backing of ABSA as the platinum sponsor along with 18 sponsors, comprising 3 technical partners (Heritage Golf Club, MTPA, and Maurice Stratégie) and 24 investment promotion agencies (

Jeune Afrique and Africa Report have been appointed as the official Media Partners and CNBC Africa will provide live coverage of the APC Conference launch. Mrs. Tania Habimana, anchor for CNBC Africa’s primetime financial markets and business show, ‘Closing Bell’, will be the Master of Ceremony on the 2nd October.

For more details, please visit:

Sports Economy: First edition of the Mauritius International Triathlon

As part of its strategy to boost the Sports economy and position Mauritius as an international Sports hub, the Economic Development Board welcomes the Mauritius International Triathlon Festival themed as Triathlon in Paradise. The event is set to start at the Mon Choisy Football ground on Saturday 16 Sep 2023. More than 100 local and international athletes will be participating in this international event.

Triathlon Activity
Long Track
Short Track
80 km
20 km
18 km
5 km
2 km
750 m

Promotion of Mauritius Textile & Apparel in USA

The Economic Development Board (EDB) is organising the participation of seven Textile and Apparel manufacturing companies at the prestigious ‘Sourcing at Magic T&A Exhibition’ from 07 to 09 August 2023. Mauritius export to the USA amounted to MUR 3.2 billion in 2022 and participation at this important fair is meant to consolidate market share and secure new clients.

The ‘Sourcing at Magic T&A Exhibition’ serves as a significant platform, boasting an impressive line-up of over 950 exhibitors and drawing approximately 29,000 visitors, including 40% new buyers. As one of the most important events in North America, it serves as a vital conduit connecting major buyers with overseas apparel, fabric and finished apparel manufacturers.

Participating companies will engage to with prominent American brands, retailers, wholesalers, independent design firms, and buying agencies, thereby strengthening the position of Mauritius as a trusted sourcing destination. Moreover, the exhibition provides an ideal platform to showcase Mauritius’ commitment to adhere to sustainable practices, and hence contributing to protect the environment.

The high-level delegation from Mauritius will also have key meetings with textile & apparel stakeholders in Washington. Meetings are scheduled amongst with CEO of American Apparel of Footwear Association (AAFA), the President, United State Fashion Industry Association (USFIA), and CEO of Corporate Council of Africa (CCA).

Roadmap for development of high-end & luxury products for mauritius

This project of the Economic Development Board, which benefits from the financial assistance of the European Union aims to:

  • Develop high-end export to European luxury markets,
  • Position Mauritius as a Luxury sourcing hub in the region, and
  • Attract investment in luxury & high-end manufacturing of products and components

The launching of the Roadmap for the Development of High-end & Luxury Products will be done by the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Mauritius, His Excellency, Mr Vincent Degert and the Vice-Chairman of the Economic Development Board, Mr. Issa Soormally.

The event will take place Wednesday 19 July 2023 at The Ravenala Attitude Hotel, Balaclava

India Africa Entrepreneurship and Investment Summit

“The India Africa Entrepreneurship Forum, in collaboration with the Economic Development Board of Mauritius, will be hosting the 3rd edition of the India Africa Entrepreneurship and Investment Summit 2023 from July 20th to 21st at Hotel Le Meridien, Pointe aux Piments. This Summit is set to gather over 150 influential delegates, including venture capitalists, angel investors and prominent entrepreneurs from India and Africa.”

Première Vision, Paris

The Economic Development Board Mauritius is renewing the participation of local garment manufacturing companies at Première Vision International Fair, which will be held from 4th to 6th July 2023 at Parc des expositions, Villepinte, Paris. This forms part of its strategy to consolidate market share and reinforce the position of Mauritius as a reliable supplier of value-added apparel products in France and Europe.

Today, France stands as one of the top five export markets for textile and apparel. Over the last decades, Mauritian manufacturers have earned a good name as an innovative, loyal and reliable supplier. For this edition, EDB is encouraging participating enterprises to display their latest sustainable apparel collections where much efforts have been put to use minimum energy and water and employ minimum chemical treatment.

Eight local manufacturing companies will showcase a wide range of apparel products, namely: men’s shirts, trousers, t-shirts, polo shirts, sweater, jogger, ladies knit tops and bottoms, denim garments, knitwear (pullovers, poncho, cardigan) among others.

L’île Maurice à Bordeaux

L’île Maurice sera à l’honneur à Bordeaux ce samedi 17 juin 2023. L’événement intitulé « L’île Maurice à Bordeaux » mettra en avant la richesse culturelle et gastronomique mauricienne. Organisé par Lakaz Maurice, une micro-entreprise fondée par Sandini Vadevaloo Forgue, une jeune mauricienne installée à Bordeaux, cette activité permettra de faire découvrir la « street food » mauricienne et le séga.

La diaspora mauricienne représente un vivier d’ambassadeurs pour la promotion de Maurice, et l’EDB apporte son soutien à cette initiative de Lakaz Maurice en collaboration avec d’autres sponsors institutionnels et privés. Des entreprises agroalimentaires ont généreusement offert des produits pour dégustation tels que des sucres spéciaux, du rhum et des achards, entre autres.

REGISTER NOW: The Use of Intellectual Property (IP) for Branding, Product Development, and Commercialization Virtual Training

The ITC’s SheTrades Initiative and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) invites you to join the free training on “The Use of Intellectual Property (IP) for Women-Led Businesses for Branding, Product Development, and Commercialization”. Please see below for more information:

Date: Tuesday 20 June 2023
Time: 09:00 – 11:30 am Central European Summer Time (CEST)

To register, please fill out this form by 17 June:

Training objective:
The training aims to promote income generation and job creation by training women-led businesses on understanding and protecting their intellectual property (IP) rights to enhance their branding, product development and commercialization to benefit from global trade opportunities.

For any additional information you may need on the above-mentioned training, please send an email containing the subject ‘WIPO ITC SheTrades’ to

Africa CEO Forum 2023

From 300 to 3000 – ‘’How to deliver the next generation of African Champions’’ - 5th to 6th June 2023, Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire

The Economic Development Board of Mauritius will be leading a delegation of private sector stakeholders to the Africa CEO Forum 2023, scheduled on the 5 and 6 of June 2023, in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire.  This landmark annual event hosted under the theme: From 300 to 3000 – How to deliver the next generation of Africa Champions, will convene CEO’s, heads of state and policy makers to discuss challenges facing the world amidst multiple crises and offers invaluable networking opportunity with top decision makers.

Over the past decade, the AFRICA CEO FORUM has promoted the idea that the private sector is the engine of African growth. This outlook has been embraced by policy makers and has resulted in an increase in foreign direct investment.  The massive flows into various sectors such as logistics, infrastructure, digital economy, agribusiness, financial services, and real estate has led to the emergence of over 300 African companies with billion-dollar turnovers and has unveiled the depth of the underlying opportunities in Africa.

Alongside the Africa CEO Forum the Economic Development Board Mauritius will host a Business Forum and Networking Event in collaboration with the ‘’Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Côte d’Ivoire’’ (CCI-CI), the ‘’Confédération Générale des Entreprises de Côte d’Ivoire’’ (CGECI) and the ‘’Centre de Promotion des Investissements de Côte d’Ivoire’’ (CEPICI) on Wednesday 7 June 2023 at the Head Office of the CCI-CI.  This event will bring together private sector operators from Mauritius attending the ACF 2023 and companies from the Western African country to discuss avenues of collaboration and strategic alliances.  The EDB Mauritius and the CEPICI will sign an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to further broaden cooperation between the two Investment Promotion Agencies.

Export Promotion Mission- Healthcare & Life Sciences Antananarivo, Madagascar

As part of its export promotion strategy the EDB will be conducting an export in services mission to Antananarivo, Madagascar as from 31st May to 02nd June 2023. A private sector delegation comprising representatives of healthcare institutions, laboratories, Contract Research Organization will form part of this export promotion mission.

The focus of this mission is to enhance visibility about the healthcare and life sciences industry in Mauritius and enable collaboration between Mauritian and Malagasy operators in the healthcare sector.

Participating companies will have the opportunity to showcase their activities and create awareness about their services. B2B meetings and a business forum is scheduled to be held in Antananarivo with key stakeholders in the medical field.

For any further information, please feel free to contact Mrs Nivesha Seebah on or Mrs Nirmala Jeetah on

Trade & Investment Mission in South Africa


8th – 16th of May 2023

Johannesburg | Cape Town | Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth) | Durban

In view of strengthening and consolidating business ties between Mauritius and South Africa, the Economic Development Board of Mauritius (EDB) is organizing a Roadshow in South Africa from the 08 to 16 May 2023.

The event will feature Business Forums, Buyers-Sellers Meetings, and Thematic Sessions to promote the merits of Mauritius as:

  • an investment hub and financial centre of choice;
  • a reliable sourcing destination for Made in Mauritius products;
  • a destination to live and retire; and
  • a prime location to acquire immovable properties.

The EDB will lead a delegation comprising over 45 companies in the field of manufacturing, real estate & hospitality, and financial services on the roadshow.

For more information, please visit:

To register for the Business Forums/Buyers – Sellers Meetings, click here:

Trade & Investment week in India


The Economic Development Board of Mauritius will be organising a multi – sectoral trade & investment promotional mission in three cities of India, namely, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad , from the 24th of April to 2nd of May 2023.

India is a major economic partner for Mauritius. The coming into operation of the CECPA since April 2021 marked another milestone in the bilateral relations that exist between India and Mauritius. It laid the foundation of a new stage of economic cooperation that ushers deeper and faster growing trade & investment ties between our two nations. Of note, Indian investors are keen to leverage on Mauritius as an investment and sourcing platform since borders were re-opened on 27th March 2022.


The mission which aims at increasing Mauritian exports to India and attracting more Indian investment to Mauritius, will comprise:

  • An Investment Promotion Forum that will target prospective Indian companies in the Pharmaceutical, Export Oriented Manufacturing, Agro processing, Food processing, Textile, ICT, Construction, Tourism, Medical, Hotel, Banking and Financial Services sectors, amongst others.
  • B2B Meetings for Mauritius Exporters with Indian Importers.
  • Meetings with key Indian Authorities, Chambers of Commerce & Industry, focused business associations and other Institutions that are deemed important to meet.


Dates of Event

  • Mumbai (Trade & Investment): 24 -25 April 2023
  • Bangalore (Trade & Investment): 27-29 April 2023
  • Hyderabad (Investment): 1-2 May 2023

Les Assises de l’agriculture – Pathways to a sustainable food system for a healthier tomorrow


In the context of Les Assises de L’Agriculture, The Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security, in collaboration with the Economic Development Board Mauritius, is organizing a two-day symposium on 16th & 17th March 2023 on the theme “Pathways to a sustainable food system for a healthier tomorrow”. Government aims at achieving self-sufficiency for a number of agricultural products and sharpen the export potential of quality and diversified agro-processed products.

Webinar : Exploring Trade & Business Potential with India

With the coming into force of the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA), Mauritius benefits from preferential market access when exporting to India on a list of 615 products, covering key products such as special sugars, garments, medical devices, spirits and rum amongst others. The Economic Development Board (EDB) of Mauritius commissioned a Market Research in India in 2022 to assess the potential of products that can be exported and to devise a marketing strategy to penetrate the Indian market.

To this end, a webinar entitled “Exploring Trade and Business Potential with India” will be organised in collaboration with the facilitator, Crescendo Worldwide Ltd, on Friday 17th March 2023, from 13:30 to 15:30 (Mauritian time).

The main objectives of this webinar are to:

  • Present the findings of the Market Research
  • Explore the export potential of local products to India

Kindly confirm your participation by Registering below

RoadShow in Europe

The Economic Development Board Mauritius is organizing a roadshow in five major European cities from March 20th to 31st, 2023. This event will be punctuated by business forums, round tables and personalized meetings to present the investment opportunities in real estate in Mauritius. Attendees  will also learn how to become a resident in Mauritius or take a nice and sweet retirement in the sun or even create a company to develop  commercial and industrial activities in promising and attractive sectors.

The delegation, will be composed of around forty professionals and experts from Mauritius, looking to meet potential investors and will also include representatives of the Mauritian state, notaries, trustees, lawyers and real estate developers.

SIAL PARIS 2022 (Salon International de l’Alimentation)

The SIAL (Salon International de l’Alimentation), an unmissable biennial event aimed at French and international professionals in the agri-food sector, will be held in Paris Nord Villepinte from October 15 to 19, 2022. This 2022 edition will be an important event for our food exporting companies, whose last participation dates back to 2018, following the cancellation of the 2020 edition due to the COVID-19. Some 10 Mauritian companies will be present in the Mauritius Pavilion to welcome customers and new buyers. SIAL PARIS 2022 will also host events on the latest trends and innovations in the food industry.

Promoting the Mauritius IFC at the Africa Financial Services Investment Conference (AFSIC)

The Economic Development Board will be sponsoring the Africa Financial Services Investment Conference (AFSIC) 2022, which is a highly focused investment conference and is one of the most important Africa investor events globally.

The 9th edition of the AFSIC, which will be held on the 10th and 11th of October at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel London, will provide unparalleled networking opportunities for delegates to develop their pan African network. More than 1,500 of Africa’s most important investors, financial intermediaries and business leaders are expected to attend AFSIC 2022. Over 300 speakers are expected to share insights into the African investment ecosystem and presentations on compelling investment opportunities from over 40 African countries will be delivered.

For more information, please send us your queries on or visit the AFSIC website.

Forum Économique des îles de l’océan Indien

Le 13e Forum économique des îles de l’océan Indien aura lieu à Maurice du 11 au 13 octobre 2022. Le thème cette année est « Repenser demain ». Il traduit le souhait du secteur privé régional de réfléchir aux grands défis de demain et de donner une nouvelle impulsion à la coopération économique entre les territoires.

Au fil des années, cet événement est devenu un rendez-vous incontournable de la communauté des affaires régionale. Il s’est imposé comme une plateforme de rencontre unique pour les opérateurs économiques. C’est le rendez-vous idéal pour trouver des partenaires d’affaires et explorer de nouvelles opportunités. Cette année, l’événement s’ouvre aux femmes et hommes de tous les pays riverains de l’océan Indien.

Inscrivez-vous sur le lien suivant :


In line with its mandate to promoting the healthcare and life sciences sector, the EDB will be participating in the Bio-Europe conference to be held as from the 24th to the 26th of October 2022 in Leipzig, Germany. BIO- Europe is a dedicated event for the healthcare, life sciences and pharmaceutical sector. This event will regroup around 2,500 attendees coming from 1,500 companies from Europe, North America and the rest of the world. It will be the first face-to-face event since 2019 and participating companies will have the opportunity to meet and network with key stakeholders from the sector across the world for 3 days of intense debate and high-level networking.

Participating companies will be able to showcase their activities and create increased awareness about their products and services. BIO Europe represents the ideal platform for the local companies to participate in this event and connect with biopharma companies and laboratories and be exposed to the latest innovation and applications and seek new markets.

In the margin of the conference, the EDB will be conducting round table discussions and B2B meetings with industry associations and healthcare companies.

More information on the event is available on the conference website on : You may also contact Mrs Nivesha Seebah on

Trade and Investment Promotional Program South Africa

Over the last decade, South Africa has emerged as a strong business partner for Mauritius. With the objective of further consolidating partnership with South Africa, the Economic Development Board Mauritius is organizing a Trade and Investment Promotion program in the three main cities of South Africa from 07 to 14 April 2022. The program will comprise Business Forum and Buyers Sellers Meeting for Textile and Apparel (BSM) in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.

Some twenty textile and apparel manufacturers of fabric, Denim, T-shirt, Kidswear & Shirts will exhibit their collections with the objective of connecting with potential buyers in South Africa.

For more information, kindly contact us on : | +230 203 3800

Med Tech Innovation Expo

As part of its sectoral investment promotion and trade facilitation initiatives, the Economic Development Board will be participating in the forthcoming Med Tech Innovation Expo scheduled for 8 – 9 June 2022 in NEC, Birmingham along with Mauritian medical device manufacturers.

The Med-Tech Innovation Expo 2022 is UK & Ireland’s leading showcase for medical design and manufacturing which brings together designers, engineers, innovators and manufacturers from across the medical and healthcare sectors to source products, explore new ideas, understand emerging technologies and do business with companies representing the entire medical device supply chain. The event attracts more than 4,000 visitors from 34 countries over 2 days.

Participants will have the opportunities to connect with major players of the industry, develop new markets and keep abreast with the latest and evolving trends for the sector. Moreover, Mauritian medical device manufacturers will be able to increase their brand awareness, boost their profiles in the industry as well as meet suppliers who will help their businesses grow.

For any further information please contact Mrs Anouksha Mohabeer at

Webinar on Trade Opportunities between India & Mauritius

Trade Opportunities between India & Mauritius

Mauritius and India have signed the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation & Partnership Agreement (CECPA) that allows bilateral trade between the 2 countries and provides preferential market access to ‘Made in Mauritius’ products & services into India that represents a market of 1.3 billion consumers. With the objective to promote ‘Made in Mauritius’ products & services and enhance visibility in the Indian market, the Economic Development Board Mauritius in collaboration with Mauritius Chamber of Commerce & Industry and with the support of World Trade Center Mumbai is organizing an online exhibition over a period of 3 months to showcase Mauritian products and services.

The official launch of the exhibition with the theme ‘Trade Opportunities between India & Mauritius’ is scheduled on Thursday, 3rd March 2022 at 1.00 pm MRU Time (2.30 IST).

Hon. Soomilduth Bholah , Minister of Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives will address the audience.

To register for the webinar, please follow this link:
